Minecraft Workshops at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum

Minecraft Workshops!

My eight year old loves Minecraft - can't get enough of it!  So when a friend told me that the Canada Aviation and Space Museum was having 3 hour Minecraft workshops in March, I signed him right up for one on Sunday morning.

As expected, he had a blast.  I sat down with him to get him to tell me a bit about the workshop from his point of view. Here's what we came up with together:

If you like Minecraft you should go to this workshop because you can work together with other people to build one big rocket ship. You go mining to get material and climb mountains to get quartz. 

The teachers will take a picture of the rocket ship with the players on it and they will put it on Facebook to compare other people’s rocket ships from when they did the workshop. (note from Lara: I went to their Facebook page and didn't see this but maybe they're coming. UPDATE:  here they are!

It was fun to play with other players to build something.  It’s fun to see other people’s ideas and build something giant together to make something really creative, more creative than I could make alone. 

You can also make your own Golems which protect you.  Most of the kids at the workshop were great but some can be destructive and might destroy some of your work on the rocket and kill your Golems.  That part isn’t as fun.

I think this is a good workshop for anyone who likes Minecraft.  

Check out their web site - I know my son would be happy to attend again any time!

Here's a promo video from their web site if you want to see a bit more of what the workshop is like.





Giveaway: Harlem Globetrotters in Ottawa!

The world-famous Harlem Globetrotters are coming to Ottawa, and YOU have a chance to win a family pack of four tickets!

Way back in 1926, a Chicago businessman formed a small basketball team to promote a nightclub he owned. After playing thousands of shows around the country, the team became known as the Harlem Globetrotters. They combine comedy, theatre and basketball into one great big show. The acts often feature juggling, balancing or spinning balls, and making difficult shots (all set to great music).

On Sunday April 12th at 3pm, the Harlem Globetrotters join us here in Ottawa at the Canadian Tire Centre, and Kids in the Capital will be giving away TWO family packs (4 tickets)! All you need to do to enter is leave a comment below telling me, a) whether you have never been to a basketball game before (I'm with ya there!); and b) who in your family is a sports fan. 

The draw will take place on Friday March 13th at noon EST. Please ensure you can attend the show on April 12th before you enter!

AND for those wanting to purchase tickets right now, save 25% on tickets using the promo code MOMS. Follow this link, and enter MOMS into the box at the top right hand corner of the screen.

****CONTEST CLOSED!!!***** THANK YOU FOR YOUR ENTRIES - random.org chose #25 and #15! Congrats Kelty and Alison.


Worth a Visit: Target

Alright, hear me out. I realize that Target is closing, and it's not really a "place" to visit with your kids....BUT, there are some decent deals to be had right now before we say goodbye to the red target sign. Discounts are now 25 - 40% off.

I agree that a lot of the prices are "meh"-worthy. For example, my husband checked out the diapers and found that prices are higher than you can find at Superstore, even with the discounts.

That said, there are several areas that may be of interest:

1) Toys - stock up on birthday gifts! We've purchased several board games and some playdough.

2) Chocolate - Easter is coming up!

3) Children's room decor - blankets, pillows and miniature chairs are up for grabs if you're planning a room reno for your child.

4) Clothes - you may be able to find essentials such as socks, underwear and winter gear at great discounted prices. It depends on the location and the stock they have - we live in Orleans, and I've heard our location is not as stocked as some other stores in Ottawa.

5) Odds and ends - we've loaded up on picture hangers and batteries!

I'm very sad to see Target go, as it's one of the only bigger stores within walking distance from our house. It was a great place to go for the extras, such as toilet paper! 

Did you shop at Target?

March Break in Mont Tremblant

I've coined a new term: Winter Rage. Move over Road Rage....Winter's taking over. Have you noticed an increase in grumpiness these past few weeks? The kids are tired of indoor recess due to wind chills, and the parents are tired of dealing with bored kids :) I'm all for bundling up and just braving the cold, but younger children make that quite a challenge!

There is light at the end of the tunnel, though, and for us it's called Mont Tremblant. We were graciously gifted a one-week stay in a cottage about 20 minutes outside of Mont Tremblant village. The plan is to drink lots of beer, sit by the roaring fire, drink more beer, and go skiing (maybe not in that order).

I wrote an article for Capital Parent Newspaper about one or two-night getaways to Tremblant. Doing my research, I could not believe the number of things there are to do there! The list is endless, and even includes "dune buggy-ing" over snow drifts. The friends we're traveling with have decided to check out dog-sledding - we're going to wait for the girls to get a bit older to try that.

Our list of must-do's include:

  • snowshoeing to the top of Mont Tremblant (adults only)
  • snow tubing (family-friendly)
  • swimming at Mont Tremblant's Aquaclub (family-friendly but PRICEY!)
  • skiing (partially family-friendly...not sure if the 2 year-old is old enough!)
  • eating a copious amount of crepes 

So I'm curious to hear - have you been to Mont Tremblant with your family? What would you include as a "must-do?"