Broadway is back in Ottawa

mom and teen standing beside the Hamilton musical poster

When Hamilton was released on Disney+ early in the pandemic I was surprised by just how into the musical and all its music my kids would get. We listened to the songs in the car for months and all had our favourite songs. That meant that getting to see Hamilton live wasn’t just any old show we got to go to, it was one we really got excited about (even though getting some of my teens out of the house for family activities isn’t as easy as it used to be ;) )

With two of my kids away at sleep away camp, my husband and I got a rare outing with just our oldest son to see Hamilton at the NAC on opening night.

Seeing the show live and in person was just as great as we all hoped it would be, and not only that - my teen said he’d love to attend more shows in the future!

I was under the impression Hamilton was sold out and it would be impossible to get tickets at this late date but there are still some tickets available if you want to check it out before the end of July.

What’s coming next

Because of COVID cancelations there are a lot of shows coming in the next 6 months as they try to catch up - plus there’s an exciting 2022/2023 season.

Dear Evan Hansen opens on August 9th

Anastasia opens on August 30th

Means Girls opens October 18th

I have incredible memories of going to see musicals with my family as a child and I love that we get to do that with our children too (and have been taking them to various shows at the NAC since they were toddlers!)

It was great to be back and seeing a show again and we’re looking forward to many more in the coming year. Comment and let us know if your kids enjoy going to the theatre or musicals.

Disclosure: we were provided tickets to the show free of charge but all opinions are our own.

The Academy for Musical Theatre

OK, so confession: I was a real band geek as a kid. Actually, I should say "orchestra" geek, because I played the viola, and we were part of the orchestra (all string instruments). My enthusiasm for music extended to the piano, and led to several trips to Scarborough Music Camp. My family loved indulging my musical tastes, and took me to all sorts of musical theatre, concerts and ballets. So I was more than a little excited when The Academy for Musical Theatre (formerly Perth Academy of Musical Theatre) came on board as our May featured sponsor. The Academy offers high quality instruction in music, acting, dance and various aspects of technical theatre for youth ages 5 to 19, culminating in the performance of a full-scale Broadway musical.

My oldest daughter is a tiny bit too young for their summer programs, but you can bet I'll be signing her up next year! Youth of all ages have a new opportunity in Ottawa this summer to participate in high quality and immensely rewarding and fun musical theatre workshops, and to perform in full productions of Annie, Pirates of Penzance, Fiddler on the Roof, or Rent.

Can I just plug music and theatre for a moment? I know parents often think of the arts as less important than, say, athletic or math skills, but research has proven that musical children actually perform better in school. Yup, that's right! Learn a musical instrument (including your voice!), and you'll get higher grades!

As well, learning to perform in front of a non-judgmental audience can be a HUGE boost for kids' self-esteem - they gain confidence, loads of new friends, and discover new abilities.

Here's a bit more about the Academy for Musical Theatre and some of the summer program highlights. Don't miss out - sign up soon! In the meantime, check them out on Facebook and learn more by visiting their website.

The Academy is the winner of the Perth Chamber of Commerce 2004 Business Achievement Award, is headed by Heidi Stepanek (B.Mus., M.A.), who has also nominated for the YWCA’s Women of Distinction Awards, and boasts a staff of several highly trained theatre professionals who are also all long-time alumni of The Academy. Heidi is a professional and experienced musician, stage director, drama educator, who has built a career out of her love of working with children, and passion for musical theatre. She is also a registered music teacher with ORMTA.

The Academy‘s 2014 summer workshops include four exciting choices: Annie (ages 5-9), Pirates of Penzance (7-18), Fiddler on the Roof (8-14), and Rent (13-19).

Each workshop includes training in triple threat skills provided by professionals in their art (dance, voice, acting), training in various technical aspects of musical theatre (sound/microphone use, lighting, props, costuming, make-up), a script, costumes (provided by their own costumer), and a chance to perform in a professionally staged production with high quality sound and light engineering. Each workshop participant is cast in a specific role, and has the opportunity to be featured, for has Heidi says, “everyone deserves a little time in the spotlight!”

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