Found Art

by Sara

It has been a long winter!  You can tell by the dregs of what's left in our arts and crafts cupboard that we're long overdue for some nice weather so we can get outside and play.

Our recent art and craft endeavors have involved 'found' items from our recycling container.  The firefighter used an empty egg  carton and leftover lollipop sticks to create a transport truck.  He used the same sticks, a yogurt container, and tinfoil to create a rocket ship.

For 'found' object arts and crafts projects you really only need glue, tape, scissors, crayons and markers.  As the project evolves, you might get out other supplies from your arts and crafts cupboard like pipe cleaners or stickers.

The 5 year old firefighter created a rocket ship for his brother out of an empty plastic bottle and tinfoil.  We've made bird feeders out of plastic coffee containers and binoculars and periscopes out of empty paper towel rolls.  Empty Kleenex boxes are great for making buildings and vehicles and small plastic containers (applesauce or yogurt) can be added as wheels are compartments.

What items from your recycling box have you used for arts and crafts projects?

Sara is a photographer and mom to a 5-year-old ” firefighter” and 2.5-year-old “monkey”.  You can also find her at her blog, My Points of View.